Rightsize Your Services with

James R. Perkins <jperkins@redhat.com>

What are Microservices anyway?

In short, the microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.
- Martin Fowler, ThoughtWorks

Why Microservices?

  • Allow you to take advantage of recent innovations:
    • Linux Containers (Docker)
    • Continuous Integration
    • DevOps
    • The cloud
  • Allow updates to be deployed faster, as each service can be updated individually

What is WildFly Swarm?

  • Open Source project sponsored by Red Hat
  • Based on the WildFly Application Server
  • Allows you to create microservices using standard Java EE API's on a mature runtime stack
  • Allows you to pick the functionality that you require, and leave everything else

WildFly Swarm Core Concepts

  • Packages everything into a "uberjar" application
  • Includes just the bits of WildFly that your application requires
  • Composed of many "Fractions" which map to specific server features
  • You decide on the fractions you need, and only the required functionality will be bundled
  • Provides additional features, such as Netflix open source components

Rightsize Your Services

  • Use the API's you want
  • Include the capabilities you need
  • Wrap it up for deployment

Monolithic Architecture

WildFly Swarm Architecture


WildFly WildFly Swarm
  • Unzip WildFly on the server
  • Configure WildFly (add data sources, etc.)
  • Deployment applications
  • Copy jar file to the server


WildFly WildFly Swarm
  • Managed via web console or CLI
  • Configuration stored in XML file
  • System Administrators (not developers) most likely to be responsible for maintaining the server installation and configuration
  • Convention over configuration approach
  • Configuration can be programmatic, XML based, or a mix
  • Developers can choose exactly which config options to expose, and how to configure them
  • Maps well to a DevOps approach


  • WildFly Swarm has been designed to be dev ops friendly
  • Simple installation
  • Developers can choose which config options to support
  • In general only config options relevant to the app will be exposed
  • Single jar approach works well with Linux containers (Docker)

A word of caution

  • Microservices are not a magic bullet
  • You need to evaluate if they are right for your team
  • Services may be simpler, but there is more complexity in how they interact and are managed
  • Monolithic architecture is still a perfectly valid choice

Using WildFly Swarm

How do I convert a current Java EE project to use WildFly Swarm?


That's it!

Build it

mvn package

Run it

mvn wildfly-swarm:run
- or -
java -jar target/myapp-swarm.jar


What did we do?

  • Added the org.wildfly.swarm:wildfly-swarm-plugin to our pom
  • Built the project, just as we would have before
  • Ran the project instead of deploying the project

Convention over configuration

  • Appropriate Fractions will be selected based on your applications dependencies
  • Based around sensible defaults
  • A default configuration will be provided
  • All this can be customized


  • Fractions provide a specific piece of functionality
    • May map directly do a WildFly subsystem (e.g. JAX-RS)
    • Or bring in something else entirely (e.g. Keycloak, Ribbon)
  • Fractions can provide deployments
    • Topology deployment gives access to the topology
  • Fractions can alter user deployments
    • Keycloak fraction can be used to secure a deployment
  • Fractions can be auto detected by the Swarm plugin based on the contents of your project, or can be explicitly enabled and configured

Explicitly defining fractions


Force fraction detection


The main() method

  • The main() method is the entry point to a Swarm app
  • If it is not provided Swarm uses a default main() method
  • Can be used to configure the container and the deployment

Take control with the main() method

public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
    final Container container = new Container();

    final JAXRSArchive deployment = ShrinkWrap.create(JAXRSArchive.class, "myapp.war");

Container Configuration

There are two options for configuring the container:

  1. Using the Java API
  2. Using XML

You can use a mix of both options.

Configuration using the Java API

final Container container = new Container()
        .fraction(new DatasourcesFraction()
                .jdbcDriver("h2", (d) -> {
                .dataSource("ExampleDS", (ds) -> {

Configuration using the XML

final ClassLoader cl = Main.class.getClassLoader();
final URL xmlConfig = cl.getResource("standalone.xml");

final Container container = new Container()



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