Annotation Processors

James R. Perkins <>

We have two options for annotation processing.

  1. Runtime annotation processing
  2. Compile time annotation processing

Why use compile time annotation processing?

  • Validation
  • Generate resource file
  • Generate source files

Looking for documentation?

The JavaDoc seems to be the only place the API is documented.

API Breakdown

How it works

Annotation processing happens in a series of rounds. Each round a processor may be asked to process annotations from a previous round.

  1. If the processor has not been created a new instance is created with the no-arg constructor
  2. The Processor.init(ProcessingEnvironment) method is invoked
  3. The getSupportedAnnotationTypes(), getSupportedOptions() and getSupportedSourceVersion() are invoked once per round
  4. The process method is invoke as appropriate

Implementing a simple annotation processor

  • Implement the javax.annotation.processing.Processor interface
    • This is usually done be extending javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
    • Override the process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) method.
  • Create the META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor file with an entry for your processor

A look at the process method

                            boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv);

The most import methods from this are:

So now what?

Do's and Don'ts

  • Don't throw uncaught, even runtime, exceptions
  • Don't use standard logging
  • Don't try to get a Class typed value from an annotation
  • Don't capture all annotations, e.g. use @SupportedAnnotations("*")
  • Do extend the javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
  • Do include the element when printing messages, especially with errors and warnings
  • Do include the list of annotations processed by your processor
